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Rescued Philippine Eagle Bangsa Bae's Road to Recovery

It was February 11 when the news came to us that Philippine eagle "Bangsa Bae" needed to be rescued. We mobilized our team to rendezvous with DENR Region IX in Cagayan de Oro City to receive her.

At that time, Bangsa Bae, who needed immediate medical attention, already received first aid by Dr. Anita Chua, a veterinarian specialist of the Regional Wildlife Rescue Center of Zamboanga del Sur Province. Dr. Chua was assisted by the Community Environment, Natural Resources and Energy Office (CENREO) Conservation and Development Section and DENR IX’s technical personnel.

Philippine eagle Bangsa Bae was found in Barangay Piyangologan in Marogong, Lanao del Sur by a concerned citizen who turned her over to the CENREO. Her right wing was severely injured reportedly due to being shot with a jolen gun.

With the joint forces of BARMM-Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Energy (MENRE) CENREO Malabang headed by Mr. Benjamin Alangca and DENR Region IX Wildlife Rescue Center in Tukuran, Zamboanga del Sur, led by Mr. Nowe Rodriguez, the adult female eagle Bangsa Bae was rescued and safely turned over to us in February 12. Her name is in honor of Bangsamoro women.

Bangsa Bae’s right wing needed to be amputated. Dr. Bayani Vandenbroeck and his team at the Animal Wellness Clinic and Laboratory in Davao City operated on her for two hours while she was under general anesthesia. Bae is now recovering from surgery at the Philippine Eagle Center (PEC) in Malagos, Davao City.

She is closely monitored in an enclosure inside the Quarantine and Hospital facility at the PEC. Bae takes vitamins and supplements with 300 grams of meat daily. She has also recently completed her dosage of post operation antibiotics.

Our animal keepers witness her will to survive. Since her operation, Bae’s appetite has improved. She now consumes over 400 grams of meat per day. She is alert and active and even prefers live prey items such as rabbit and guinea pig.

Despite the tragedy she’s been through, Bangsa Bae is now on the road to recovery. Another Philippine eagle survivor that reminds us that the fight is not lost.

Her rescue has brought an opportunity for us to expand our network of Philippine eagle conservationists in the BARRM. We are forging a partnership with environmental offices in BARMM for a training on eagle conservation and monitoring in the future. This we hope will help address some of the threats the eagles face in the wild, such as what Bangsa Bae has been through.

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